

Syl Disjonk on Youtube

Films & video

Vitesse Lumière : Fantastic, horror, science-fiction film festival from Québec

Cinema Abattoir : subversive and iconoclast films in Montreal, Quebec, Canada the post-apocalyptic, post-nuke and wasteland movie review site

   Visual art

Jean Pronovost : symbolic art, painter and sculptor artist

Les Créations Jean Pronovost : Murals of all types, airbrush, faux-finish, molds, sculptures and special fx

beinArt Surreal Art Collective
Surreal Visionary Fantastic Art
& Metamorphosis Art Book


Voivodfan: Site of the legendary metal band Voivod.

DISJONKTATION, brutal death grind metal from Quebec city for which I played bass

Danhell is a punk rocker

Chernobyl Cha-Cha : Hellectronik Rockkinnroll from Québec. ZORDAX II soundtrack maker